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¥Command not found

查看 如何 了解解决方案。

¥See How To for solutions.


¥Hooks not running

  1. 验证文件名是否正确。例如, 是无效名称。请参阅 Git hooks documentation 以获取有效名称。

    ¥Verify the file name is correct. For example, precommit or are invalid names. Refer to the Git hooks documentation for valid names.

  2. 运行 git config core.hooksPath 并确保它指向 .husky/_(或你的自定义 hooks 目录)。

    ¥Run git config core.hooksPath and ensure it points to .husky/_ (or your custom hooks directory).

  3. 确认你的 Git 版本高于 2.9

    ¥Confirm your Git version is above 2.9.

.git/hooks/ 卸载后不起作用

¥.git/hooks/ Not Working After Uninstall

如果卸载 husky.git/hooks/ 中的钩子不起作用,请执行 git config --unset core.hooksPath

¥If hooks in .git/hooks/ don't work post-uninstalling husky, execute git config --unset core.hooksPath.

Windows 上的 Yarn

¥Yarn on Windows

在 Windows 上使用 Git Bash (stdin is not a tty) 时,Git 钩子可能会与 Yarn 一起失败。对于 Windows 用户,请实现此解决方法:

¥Git hooks might fail with Yarn on Windows using Git Bash (stdin is not a tty). For Windows users, implement this workaround:

  1. 创建 .husky/

    ¥Create .husky/

command_exists () {
  command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1

# Workaround for Windows 10, Git Bash, and Yarn
if command_exists winpty && test -t 1; then
  exec < /dev/tty
  1. 在运行 Yarn 命令的地方获取它:

    ¥Source it where Yarn commands are run:

# .husky/pre-commit
. .husky/

yarn ...